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Elevating Safety: CrewBlast’s Innovative Partnership with CLEAR


Safety is a paramount concern in the aviation industry, and CrewBlast understands the critical role that proper vetting plays in ensuring the well-being of passengers and the success of every flight. To bolster our commitment to safety, we are thrilled to announce our groundbreaking partnership with CLEAR and IDRamp, a leader in biometric identity verification. This collaboration is set to revolutionize the way we vet contract pilots and flight attendants, demonstrating CrewBlast’s unwavering dedication to the highest standards of safety and security in the industry.

The Importance of Vetting Contract Pilots and Flight Attendants

Ensuring the safety of passengers is the number one priority for any aviation company. The people responsible for this crucial task are the pilots and flight attendants. Their competence, professionalism, and integrity are of the utmost importance, and comprehensive vetting is key to maintaining these standards. While background checks have long been a standard practice, CrewBlast believes that there is always room for improvement and innovation.

Background Checks: A Necessary Step

Background checks have been a staple in the aviation industry for years. They provide valuable insights into an individual’s criminal history, employment records, and other relevant data. While these checks are an essential first step, they do have limitations. They may not offer a comprehensive view of an individual’s identity and history, and they can be vulnerable to identity theft and impersonation.

CrewBlast’s Innovative Partnership with CLEAR

Recognizing the need to enhance the vetting process, CrewBlast has teamed up with CLEAR and IDRamp to introduce a groundbreaking approach to verifying the identity of our contract pilots and flight attendants. CLEAR is renowned for its cutting-edge biometric technology, which is used to streamline security checks at airports and other high-security locations.

This strategic partnership allows CrewBlast to tap into CLEAR’s vast resources and cutting-edge technology to strengthen our vetting process in the following ways:

  1. Enhanced Identity Verification: CLEAR’s biometric technology goes beyond traditional background checks by verifying an individual’s identity through their unique biometric markers, such as fingerprints, irises, and facial recognition. This means there’s virtually no room for identity impersonation or fraud.
  2. Speed and Efficiency: By leveraging CLEAR’s technology, CrewBlast can significantly expedite the vetting process, ensuring that only verified individuals with the highest levels of trustworthiness make it onto our team. This helps us maintain the highest safety standards without causing unnecessary delays in our operations.
  3. Comprehensive Security: CLEAR’s extensive database offers an additional layer of security that extends beyond the standard background checks, giving us a more comprehensive view of an individual’s history and background.

Why CLEAR Is a Game Changer

What sets CrewBlast’s partnership with CLEAR apart is the company’s commitment to embracing cutting-edge technology to achieve unparalleled levels of security. This collaboration is an industry first, and it underlines our commitment to delivering the highest standards of safety and security for our clients.


Safety and security should never be compromised in the aviation industry, and CrewBlast understands the gravity of the responsibility we bear. Our partnership with CLEAR marks a significant milestone in our journey to enhance the vetting process for our contract pilots and flight attendants. By embracing advanced biometric technology, we are raising the bar for the industry and reinforcing our commitment to the safety and satisfaction of our passengers. With CrewBlast and CLEAR, you can trust that your flight experience will be characterized by the highest standards of safety and security.